Discovering our purpose
One happier person makes a difference in the world.
durian & the Lyon was founded on the core belief that one happier person makes a difference in the world. And that person has to be yourself first, before you have a shot at making anyone else happy.
When Kelly started this business, she was trying to ‘save the world’ and flailing. She was working to become a therapist, but she was sad and hurting and feeling powerless to help those around her who were sad and hurting. So she changed course (after a good ol’ kick from the universe) and gave herself permission to try to be happy. She started making things, working with her hands and building a business.
It turns out Kelly’s skills are more useful as an artist and creative business woman than as a therapist. Not only was she happier, but other people started getting getting happy from her work. Amazing! That’s what she had always wanted. The more layers that she discovered to this business, the more she found that it is really is the way she can “save the world,” at least as much as one small person can in such a big complex world.
Here at durian & the Lyon, we take inspiration from the Mahatma Gandhi quote, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
The changes we want to see are more kindness, more joy, more peace, more self-expression, more acceptance, more color, more beauty, more love, more fun. We do our best to help create that reality by bringing fun, bright handmade accessories into the world in the hopes that we can help folks feel like their most fun, fancy selves!